Monday, July 9, 2018

In The Beginning

I have been in favor of medical and recreational for a long time. Just as many others, once you tried it, you realized it was not going to kill you so why keep it away? Well, once we hit that area then we wonder why are people going to jail? In 2016, voters in Oklahoma approved a decriminalization of sorts lowering fines to $500 for being caught with marijuana. That changed quickly with prosecutors with a hard on for money and filling jails, Oklahoma quickly racked up "extra" charges. It is not too far out to think now that SQ788 passed that this will not happen again for non-medical patients. 
            What could be cause for celebration with SQ788 dropping the fine to only $400 by stating a medical condition if caught. Well, if 2016 is any indicator, prosecutors and police will just add paraphernalia, meaning a lighter, match, papers, pipe down to the bag you have it in! Wow, right? What was the paraphernalia charge and what did it do? In 2016 it took the new voter passed $500 fine for marijuana only and added 1-4 years of jail to it. Insanity, that is not what the voters approved! It also is not something the voters really knew about after passing it unless it directly affected them, and why should it, who’s a lawyer in the voting community? It hurts to know our due diligence in voting may not be anything more than a dog and pony show but here we are wondering how with the passage of medical marijuana what will happen to law abiding citizens and what will really change?
            There is cause for celebration so stick with me here. With the passage of SQ788, home grow is currently regulated very lightly. If you own your home you get 6 mature pants and 6 seedlings in your home. If you do not own your home, you get WRITTEN consent from the owner to grow and frame it and put it in your locked grow room. If anything happens you have proof on the wall. This is not however a pass with a medical card to get pulled over and waive your card and tell the police all about it. Do not drive DUI, ever! Do not drive with your medicine showing, smell like it, etc.. Use common sense here. Go to the store buy it, hide it, get it home. If you are pulled over what should you do? Treat it like any other traffic stop. Only show your driver’s license with your medical card hidden. Never talk to the police. If they claim they smell marijuana or see your marijuana and question you, then show your card. Do not answer questions still. If they have questions, I do not want to speak, I would like my attorney. That is all that should ever be said, they CAN and WILL use whatever you say against you. Your medical card is not a permission slip to throw in the police officers face, ever! It will however save you a lot of trouble if they see it and you present the card.
            So, what do we have to look forward to while we wait for it to go on law on the books?
 You are in the right place. You will start to see the misinformation circulate again. Do not get me wrong, a ton of bad things will come up because the Oklahoma Department of Health plans to regulate an everyone wants to get their say, not just those pro medical but money interest on both sides are going to fan the flames an if you do not stop and inhale the smoke you will get caught up. One group has asked for home grow regulations and a special session. Your best bet is to fully ignore anyone who wants you to wait on medicating and possibly go to jail for medicating. We are less than 30 days from launch, you really want to jump ass first into a cactus on this because Jim Bob said it’s a great idea? The news is flying live streams and lobbyist on both sides again fanning the flames. Today a group of doctors who have previously said pain management should only prescribe OTC Tylenol should ban smoking. OMG let’s freak out now because they WILL ban smoking. I am kidding, step back and calm down. They have interest in prescribing you very addictive things, yes, they want smoking banned but that was never even a consideration and cannot be one because it was not voted in. If they told you that you had to wear a giraffe suit to medicate would you believe it as truth or would you say, wait a minute, this is a bit wild? Clearly you would question it, and I fully understand why you want to freak out on hearing proposed regulation, because they have kept it illegal so long. Do not freak out.
            We must calm down. Everything sounds bad right now but is it that bad? No! Currently they want to get your cards in your hands by September and let you get a seed in the ground by September. That guarantees you medicating on home grown by February 2018 give or take. Clearly most of you will be medicating on the day you get the card but in the legal realm, if you do not mess this up and sue it, you will be legally medicating in September with your card free from jail in your own home! Do not get me wrong, there is still plenty of time for an advocate to sue this thing and hurt us all, so when you see someone making wild claims, step back, asses it, is it real or is it fake news? Have they presented something that is in stone in regulation or are they presenting speculation and opinion? If it is written in stone, what can be done without suing it? What everyone needs to remember about this entire law is that it is a statute. What does that mean? It means that law makers can change it during any session. Oh lord, if we rush regulations now, will that curb it later? No! They can and will change it again during session. Currently this is “emergency rules” meaning that Oklahoma wants to see if we can get this done without begging for too much help. They essentially are saying figure it out, you are not children, you wanted this, try it, however if you mess up we will come fix it in a way you do not like. Essentially, do not be greedy! There is plenty to go around. Yes, there are temporary THC limits, but not on your home grow. That means you can grow as high as you want in THC% and make all your concentrates at home at 80% THC if you want, they just are not going to let stores sell that high right away and I agree. If a bunch of idiots start eating a ton of high THC% edibles and freak out and rush to the ER and realize, oh I am not going to die, well the damage is done. Oklahoma law makers would then limit edibles even further. If we do it right, then in session we tell them and show them and they must raise it, or we vote them out.
            Now is not the time to fight with each other. Stick together, get cards rolling out to patients and work to fight for change in sq788 for the patients can get recreational out! Until patients have access we have a problem and if you plan to stop patients for getting access “in their interest” just do not. It is never in a patient’s interest to keep their medicine away and keeping jail an option!
Leave your questions below and I will get to them or ask me on Facebook and I will try to do my best. Thank you to all who have donated and worked their asses off on this. I may argue with you on Facebook and other places but I am thankful for what you have done to help us get it passed even if we may not meet eye to eye along the way. Oklahomans for Health, Green The Vote and all of the people worked themselves to death to get this passed, do not let it be in vein!!

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